51.  Parveen bought 80 kg of rice for Rs. 760 and sold it at a loss of as much money as he received for 15 kg rice. At which price did he sell the rice?

A. Rs. 9 / kg

B. Rs. 8 / kg

C. Rs. 8.5 / kg

D. Rs. 10 / kg

E. Rs. 10.6 / kg

Answer & Explanation

Sol : Option B
Let the SP per kg be Rs. x. Total sales = Rs 80x and total loss will be 15x
(i.e. the selling price of 15 kg.). Total Cost Price = Rs. 760.
Now SP + Loss = Cost Price
80x + 15x = 760 95x = 760
x = 760/95 = Rs 8.



52.  After selling a watch, Mihir found that he had made a loss of 12 %. He also found that had he sold it for Rs. 45 more, he would have made a profit of 8 %. The actual initial loss was what percentage of the profit earned, had he sold the watch for 8 % profit?

A. 66.67 %

B. 145 %

C. 150 %

D. 160 %

E. 180%

Answer & Explanation

Sol : Option C
As profit and loss are calculated of the same figure i.e. the cost price.
Hence you can straightaway find 12% is what percent of 8% i.e. 100 × 12/8 =150%.


53.  The profit earned when an article is sold for Rs. 1050 is 14 times the loss incurred when it is sold for Rs. 375. At what price should the article be sold if it is desired to make a profit of 20 %?

A. Rs. 410

B. Rs. 420

C. Rs. 504

D. Rs. 475

E. Rs. 495

Answer & Explanation

Sol : Option C
If L represents the loss, then 14 L represents the profit and the sum of the two is difference of the two selling prices. Hence 15L = 1050 – 375 = Rs 675
L = 675/15 = Rs45 Since the second SP = Rs 375, so the CP = 375 + 45 = 420. The SP to have 20% profit is 420 × 1.2 = Rs. 504



54.  A man sells an article at a profit of 8 per cent. If the cost price were 10 per cent less and the selling price Rs. 18 less, his profit would have been 15 per cent. Find the cost price of the article.

A. Rs. 430

B. Rs. 450

C. Rs. 220

D. Rs. 380

E. Rs. 400

Answer & Explanation

Sol : Option E
Let CP of the article = 100
Old SP = 108. New CP = 90. As the profit is 15%, so the new SP = 90 × 115/100 = 103.5. The difference in the two selling prices = 108 103.5 = Rs 4.5 If difference in SP is 4.5 then CP = 100, If difference in SP is 18 then CP = (100/4.5)×18 = Rs 400



55. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at a profit of 15 percent and also weighs 833.33 grams in place of a kg. Find his actual gain percent.

A. 32 % gain

B. 38% gain

C. 42 % gain

D. No gain no loss

E. 40 % gain

Answer & Explanation

Sol : Option B
Uses 833.33 gms instead of 1000 gms
% profit = (1000-833.33/833.33) × 100 = 20%
Shopkeeper also states that he makes a gain of 15%. There will be a mutual impact of the two as well. So the formula that can be applied is x + y + xy/100. Applying that you get the answer as 20 + 15 + (20)(15)/100 = 38%



56.  A cycle is bought for Rs.900 and sold for Rs.1080, find the gain percent?

·        A. 16 2/3%

·        B. 20%

·        C. 18%

·        D. 25%

·        Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


900 ---- 180

100 ---- ? => 20%


57.  An article is bought for Rs.675 and sold for Rs.900, find the gain percent?

·        A. 16 2/3%

·        B. 30%

·        C. 33 1/3%

·        D. 33 1/6%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


675 ---- 225

100 ---- ? => 33 1/3%


58.  The cost price of a radio is Rs.1500 and it was sold for Rs.1230, find the loss %?

·        A. 18%

·        B. 9%

·        C. 15%

·        D. 6%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


1500 ---- 270

100 ---- ? => 18%


59.  The sale price sarees listed for Rs.400 after successive discount is 10% and 5% is?

·        A. Rs.357

·        B. Rs.340

·        C. Rs.342

·        D. Rs.338

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


400*(90/100)*(95/100) = 342


60.  The list price of an article is Rs.65. A customer pays Rs.56.16 for it. He was given two successive discounts, one of them being 10%. The other discount is?

·        A. 3%

·        B. 4%

·        C. 5%

·        D. 6%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


65*(90/100)*((100-x)/100) = 56.16

x = 4%


61.   A single discount equivalent to the discount series of 20%, 10% and 5% is?

·        A. 25%

·        B. 30%

·        C. 31.6%

·        D. 33.5%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


100*(80/100)*(90/100)*(95/100) = 68.4

100 - 68.4 = 31.6

62.  What profit percent is made by selling an article at a certain price, if by selling at 2/3rd of that price, there would be a loss of 20%?

·        A. 20%

·        B. 25%

·        C. 13 1/30%

·        D. 12%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


SP2 = 2/3 SP1

CP = 100

SP2 = 80

2/3 SP1 = 80

SP1 = 120

100 --- 20 => 20% 


63.  A trader bought a car at 20% discount on its original price. He sold it at a 40% increase on the price he bought it. What percent of profit did he make on the original price?

·        A. 10%

·        B. 11%

·        C. 12%

·        D. 15%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


Original price = 100

CP = 80

S = 80*(140/100) = 112

100 - 112 = 12%



64.  A man sells a horse for Rs.800 and loses something, if he had sold it for Rs.980, his gain would have been double the former loss. Find the cost price of the horse?

·        A. Rs.900

·        B. Rs.875

·        C. Rs.850

·        D. Rs.860

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


CP = SP + 1CP = SP - g

800 + x = 980 - 2x

3x = 180 => x = 60

CP = 800 + 60 = 860


65.  By selling a house for Rs.45000, it was found that 1/8 of the outlay was gained, what ought the selling to price to have been in order to have lost 5 p.c?

·        A. Rs.38750

·        B. Rs.38000

·        C. Rs.40000

·        D. Rs.42000

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


CP + CP/8 = 45000

CP = 40000

SP = 40000*(95/100) = 38000


66.  If a man lost 4% by selling oranges at the rate of 12 a rupee at how many a rupee must he sell them to gain 44%?

·        A. 7

·        B. 8

·        C. 9

·        D. 10


Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


96% ---- 12

144% ---- ?

96/144 * 12 = 8


67.  By selling 150 mangoes, a fruit-seller gains the selling price of 30 mangoes. Find the gain percent?

·        A. 20%

·        B. 25%

·        C. 18%

·        D. 30%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


SP = CP + g

150 SP = 150 CP + 30 SP

120 SP = 150 CP

120 --- 30 CP

100 --- ? => 25%


68.  The C.P of 10 pens is equal to the S.P of 12 pens. Find his gain % or loss%?

·        A. 16 2/3% profit

·        B. 50/6% profit

·        C. 16 2/3% loss

·        D. 100/3% loss

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


10 CP = 12 SP

12 --- 2 CP loss

100 --- ? => 16 2/3%


69. By selling 12 pencils for a rupee a man loses 20%. How many for a rupee should he sell in order to gain 20%?

·        A. 8

·        B. 9

·        C. 12

·        D. 16

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


80% --- 12

120% --- ?

80/120 * 12 = 8


70.  The cost price of 13 articles is equal to the selling price of 11 articles. Find the profit percent?

·        A. 15 5/15%

·        B. 18 2/11%

·        C. 16 2/3%

·        D. 30%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


13 CP = 11 SP

11 --- 2 CP

100 --- ? =>18 2/11%


71.   By selling 50 meters of cloth. I gain the selling price of 15 meters. Find the gain percent?

·        A. 35%

·        B. 30%

·        C. 40%

·        D. 42 6/7%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


SP = CP + g

50 SP = 50 CP + 15 SP

35 SP = 50 CP

35 --- 15 CP gain

100 --- ? => 42 6/7%


72.  Ram sold two bicycles, each for Rs.990. If he made 10% profit on the first and 10% loss on the second, what is the total cost of both bicycles?

·        A. Rs.2000

·        B. Rs.1980

·        C. Rs.1891

·        D. Rs.1750

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


(10*10)/100 = 1%loss

100 --- 99

? --- 1980 => Rs.2000


73.  A tradesman by means of his false balance defrauds to the extent of 20%? in buying goods as well as by selling the goods. What percent does he gain on his outlay?

·        A. 20%

·        B. 45%

·        C. 44%

·        D. 48%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


g% = 20 + 20 + (20*20)/100

      = 44%


74. Ramu bought an old car for Rs. 42000. He spent Rs. 13000 on repairs and sold it for Rs. 64900. What is his profit percent?

·        A. 14%

·        B. 16%

·        C. 18%

·        D. 22%

·        E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


Total CP = Rs. 42000 + Rs. 13000 = Rs. 55000 and SP = Rs. 64900 

Profit(%) = (64900 - 55000)/55000 * 100 = 18%



75.  Ram professes to sell his goods at the cost price but he made use of 900 grms instead of a kg, what is the gain percent?

·        A. 11%.

·        B. 11 2/9%

·        C. 11 1/9%

·        D. 10%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


900 --- 100

100 --- ? => 11 1/9%


76.  A man purchases 8 pens for Rs.9 and sells 9 pens for Rs.8, how much profit or loss does he make?

·        A. 20.98% profit

·        B. 20.98% loss

·        C. 20.89% profit

·        D. 20.89% loss

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


                               81 ---- 17

                              100 ----- ? è 20.98%loss         


77.  A reduction of 40% in the price of bananas would enable a man to obtain 64 more for Rs.40, what is reduced price per dozen?

·        A. Rs.5

·        B. Rs.4

·        C. Rs.2

·        D. Rs.3

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


40*(40/100) = 16 --- 64

? --- 12 => Rs.3


78.  A reduction of 25% in the price of oil enables a house wife to obtain 5kgs more for Rs.800, what is the reduced price for kg?

·        A. Rs.20

·        B. Rs.30

·        C. Rs.40

·        D. Rs.25

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


800*(25/100) = 200 ---- 5

? ---- 1 => Rs.40


79.  A reduction of 20% in the price of salt enables a lady to obtain 10kgs more for Rs.100, find the original price per kg?

·        A. 2 3/2

·        B. 2 2/3

·        C. 2.5

·        D. 3

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


100*(20/100) = 20 --- 10

? --- 1 => Rs.2

100 --- 80

? ---  2 => Rs.2.5


80.  A man sells two articles for Rs.3600 each and he gains 30% on the first and loses 30% on the next. Find his total gain or loss?

·        A. 9% loss

·        B. 400

·        C. 4000

·        D. 324

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


(30*30)/100 = 9%loss


81. I bought two books; for Rs.480. I sold one at a loss of 15% and other at a gain of 19% and then I found each book was sold at the same price. Find the cost of the book sold at a loss?

·        A. Rs.28

·        B. Rs.280

·        C. Rs.140

·        D. Rs.70

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


x*(85/100) = (480 - x)119/100

x = 280


82.  A man buys an article and sells it at a profit of 20%. If he had bought it at 20% less and sold it for Rs.75 less, he could have gained 25%. What is the cost price?

·        A. Rs.370

·        B. Rs.375

·        C. Rs.350

·        D. Rs.300

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


CP1 = 100             SP1 = 120

CP2 = 80                SP2 = 80 * (125/100) = 100

20 ----- 100

75 ----- ? => 375


83.  A person bought an article and sold it at a loss of 10%. If he had bought it for 20% less and sold it for Rs.75 less, he could have gained 25%. What is the cost price?

·        A. Rs.250

·        B. Rs.225

·        C. Rs.275

·        D. Rs.200

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


CP1 = 100             SP1 = 90

CP2 = 80                SP2 = 80 * (140/100) = 112

22 ----- 100

55 ----- ? => Rs.250


84.  If goods be purchased for Rs.840 and one-fourth be sold at a loss of 20% at what gain percent should the remainder be sold so as to gain 20% on the whole transaction?

·        A. 30%

·        B. 33%

·        C. 33 1/3%

·        D. 35%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


1/4 CP = 210                       SP = 21*(80/100) = 168

SP = 840*(120/100) = 1008

1008 - 168 = 840

3/4 SP = 630

Gain = 210

630 --- 210

100 --- ? => 33 1/3%


85.  A dealer purchased an article at 3/4 of its list price and sold 50% more than the list price. Find his gain percent?

·        A. 75%

·        B. 50%

·        C. 100%

·        D. 80%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


MP = 100

CP =  75

SP = 150


75 ---- 75

100 ---- ? => 100%



86.  At what price must an article costing Rs.47.50 be marked in order that after deducting 5% from the list price. It may be sold at a profit of 25% on the cost price?

·        A. Rs.62.50

·        B. Rs.72.50

·        C. Rs.75.00

·        D. Rs.80.00

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


CP = 47.50

SP = 47.50*(125/100) = 59.375

MP*(95/100) = 59.375

MP = 62.5


87.  A person buys an article at Rs.500. At what price should he sell the article so as to make a profit of 20%?

·        A. Rs.600

·        B. Rs.500

·        C. Rs.250

·        D. Rs.700

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


Cost price = Rs.500
profit = 20% of 500 = Rs.100
Selling price = Cost price + Profit
= 500 + 100 = 600


88.   By selling an article at Rs.600, a profit of 25% is made. Find its cost price?

·        A. Rs.350

·        B. Rs.400

·        C. Rs.573

·        D. Rs.480

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


SP = 600
CP = (SP)*[100/(100+P)]
= 600 * [100/(100+25)]
= 600 * [100/125] = Rs.480


89.  By selling an article at Rs.800, a shopkeeper makes a profit of 25%. At what price should he sell the article so as to make a loss of 25%?

·        A. Rs.600

·        B. Rs.480

·        C. Rs.500

·        D. Rs.450

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


SP = 800
Profit = 25%
CP = (SP)*[100/(100+P)]
= 800 * [100/125]
= 640
Loss = 25% = 25% of 640 = Rs.160
SP = CP - Loss = 640 - 160 = Rs.480


90.  A shopkeeper buys two articles for Rs.1000 each and then sells them, making 20% profit on the first article and 20% loss on second article. Find the net profit or loss percent?

·        A. neither profit nor loss

·        B. 1%

·        C. 2%

·        D. 3%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option A


Profit on first article = 20% of 1000 = 200.
This is equal to the loss he makes on the second article. That, is he makes neither profit nor loss.


91.  A shopkeeper sells two articles at Rs.1000 each, making a profit of 20% on the first article and a loss of 20% on the second article. Find the net profit or loss that he makes?

·        A. neither profit nor loss

·        B. 3%

·        C. 5%

·        D. 4%

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


SP of first article = 1000
Profit = 20%
CP = (SP)*[100/(100+P)] = 5000/6 = 2500/3
SP of second article = 1000
Loss = 20%
CP = (SP)*[100/(100-L)] = 5000/4 = 1250
Total SP = 2000
Total CP = 2500/3 + 1250 = 6250/3
CP is more than SP, he makes a loss.
Loss = CP-SP = (6250/3)- 2000 = 250/3
Loss Percent = [(250/3)/(6250/3)]*100 =
0.04 * 100 = 4%


92.  A shopkeeper buys mangoes at the rate of 4 a rupee and sells them at 3 a rupee. Find his net profit or loss percent?

·        A. 20%

·        B. 28%

·        C. 33 1/3 %

·        D. 35 2/7 %

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


The total number of mangoes bought by the shopkeeper be 12.
If he buys 4 a rupee, his CP = 3
He selling at 3 a rupee, his SP = 4
Profit = SP - CP = 4 - 3 = 1
Profit Percent = 1/3 * 100 = 33 1/3 %


93.  A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at Cost Price but still gets 20% profit by using a false weight. What weight does he substitute for a kilogram?

·        A. 855 1/2 grams

·        B. 833 1/3 grams

·        C. 833 1/2 grams

·        D. 875 2/7 grams

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


If the cost price is Rs.100, then to get a profit of 20%, the selling price should be Rs.120.
If 120kg are to be sold, and the dealer gives only 100kg, to get a profit of 20%.
How many grams he has to give instead of one kilogram(1000 gm).
120 gm ------ 100 gm
1000 gm ------ ?
(1000 * 100)/120 = 2500/3 = 833 1/3 grams.


94.  The owner of a furniture shop charges his customer 24% more than the cost price. If a customer paid Rs. 8339 for a computer table, then what was the cost price of the computer table?

·        A. Rs. 5725

·        B. Rs. 5275

·        C. Rs. 6275

·        D. Rs. 6725

·        E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


CP = SP * (100/(100 + profit%)) 

= 8339(100/124) = Rs. 6725.


95.   A person purchased a TV set for Rs. 16000 and a DVD player for Rs. 6250. He sold both the items together for Rs. 31150. What percentage of profit did he make?

·        A. 30%

·        B. 35%

·        C. 40%

·        D. 45%

·        E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


The total CP = Rs. 16000 + Rs. 6250 = Rs. 22250 and SP = Rs. 31150 

Profit(%) = (31150 - 22250)/22250 * 100 = 40%


96.   A trader sells 85 meters of cloth for Rs. 8925 at the profit of Rs. 15 per metre of cloth. What is the cost price of one metre of cloth?

·        A. Rs. 80

·        B. Rs. 85

·        C. Rs. 90

·        D. Rs. 95

·        E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


SP of 1m of cloth = 8925/85 = Rs. 105 

CP of 1m of cloth = SP of 1m of cloth - profit on 1m of cloth 

= Rs. 105 - Rs. 15 = Rs. 90.


97.  A shopkeeper loses 15%,if an article is sold for Rs. 102. What should be the selling price of the article to gain 20%?

·        A. Rs. 150

·        B. Rs. 144

·        C. Rs. 138

·        D. Rs. 132

·        E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option B


Given that SP = Rs. 102 and loss = 15% 

CP = [100(SP)]/(100 - l%) = (100 * 102)/85 = 20 * 6 = Rs. 120. 

To get 20% profit, New SP = [(100 + p%)CP]/100 = (120 * 120)/100 = Rs. 144


98.  If an article is sold at 19% profit instead of 12% profit, then the profit would be Rs. 105 more. What is the cost price?

·        A. Rs. 1505

·        B. Rs. 1510

·        C. Rs. 1500

·        D. Rs. 1490

·        E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


Let the cost price of an article be Rs. x.

(19% of x) - (12% of x) = 105

19x/100 - 12x/100 = 105 => 7x = 105 * 100

=> x = 1500

Cost price = Rs. 1500


99.   Raman mixed 24 kg of butter at Rs. 150 per kg with 36 kg butter at the rate of Rs. 125 per kg. At what price per kg should he sell the mixture to make a profit of 40% in the transaction?

·        A. Rs. 135

·        B. Rs. 162

·        C. Rs. 189

·        D. Rs. 198

·        E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option C


CP per kg of mixture = [24(150) + 36(125)]/(24 + 36) = Rs. 135

SP = CP[(100 + profit%)/100]

= 135 * [(100 + 40)/100] = Rs. 189.


100.  Vijay bought 160 shirts at the rate of Rs. 225 per shirt. The transport expenditure was Rs. 1400. He paid an octroi at the rate of Rs. 1.75 per shirt and labour charges were Rs. 320. What should be the selling price of one shirt, if he wants a profit of 20%?

·        A. Rs. 258

·        B. Rs. 270

·        C. Rs. 277.5

·        D. Rs. 285

·        E. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: Option D


Total CP per shirt = 225 + 1400/160 + 1.75 + 320/160 = Rs. 237.5

SP = CP[(100 + profit%)/100]

= 237.5 * [(100 + 20)/100] = Rs. 285.



